
I Can See The Pain by Nikki 我忆起那伤痛 KING陈潮庆译
I still see your face in my dreams 你的脸孔仍然出现在我的梦中
It hurts and it doesn't help at all 所带给我的是无助与伤痛
I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems 我还是希望你能继续活在我生命中
I want you to catch me when I fall 当我失意时,你能抚慰我的伤痛
I still remember the first time we met 还记得初次见面的我们
There was something so different about you 你的身影总是特别迷人
Your friendship was something I wanted to get 当下的我最想要的是当你的情人
That smile when you said hi to me was so new 你的笑容与问候真叫我销魂
Out of no where you called me on the phone 无论何时何地接到你的来电
I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever 我只想坐在你身边,陪你聊到永远
You were so new, so crazy and unknown 你就是如此的纯洁,如此的痴颠及如此魅力
I just knew that our friendship would never sever 我认为我们之间将永不断绝
Two years and we are barely holding it together 两年的时间我们都只是勉强在一起
What happened to the way this all used to be 所经历过的一切都只是曾经
I never wanted you out of my like ever 从没想过你会变心
I sat there for a long time pretending not to see 而我坚持假装从不知情
We decided to go out and make it all all right 当我们决定将一切表明
It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't 无力的挽留,彼此也知道原因
We couldn't even really stand each others sight 但我们却无法客观就事处理
It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't 我不应该就如此放弃,但这感情就这样失去
I miss you and everything you were to me 我想念你,一切你与我的记忆
Ten years from now we will look back on it all 十年后我们将一切回忆
We will be older and finally be able to see 我们以成熟的心情回首当初的结局
That love will stand the test of time and never fall 发现那爱是经得起时间的考验且不轻言放弃