

i dunno why,tanjung malim juz a small town,but living cost is very high.a small dish as cheap as RM5,so i spend at least RM10++ in dining.sometimes r make me so pahceh when wan go 2 eat,and here r not allow to cookhaiz,nowaday my laptop make me so pahche,4gb RAM +core 2 duowo,but perform it so terrible la..Toshiba L310S416 wo, the branded wo,make me so pahche.haiz....T.T..furthermore,my assignment increase from 10assignment to 11....i very nervous and afraid cause i wan get PGNK3.00++...dunno can b or not arr?i afraid tht i can enter university but cannot graduate...so xia suai....b the 1st ppl cannot graduate in university....now i very angry tht ppl who said tht enter university juz play and copy assignment then pass up and dating then graduate...they r false,i m fooled to enter university espcially this UPSI,tht quan-sheng said this is a good university then i choose le lo ,then i get the 1st choice lo,so happy lo..haiz....zhen shi tian ming nan wei a...so i always remind myself tht“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行弗乱其所为也”so i can tahan until now although it is very tough life at this moment.

